Archive work 1981-2000: Starting with a book cover for Faber & Faber in 1981 when Pete Townshend was contributing editor. I bumped into my favourite Monkee Micky Dolenz in the corridor and got to meet Ian Dury over tea at the Waldorf Astoria while he was working on a book of words and prose I'd illustrated. It was all rock 'n' roll in those days...
- Book cover about the Royal Family contracting rabies from the corgis 1981
- New Society 1981: Article on Old Age, drawn from life
- First Business Card 1982: illustration for New Scientist article 'Student Books'
- Poster for 'Hard Lines' 1982: Published by Faber & Faber
- Inside illustration 'Hard Lines' 1982
- Poster for 'Fundation' 1983: these 2 became 'Hale & Pace', a popular comedy duo in the 80s & 90s
- Book cover plus 30 inside illustrations, OUP 1983: the book that got me off the dole
- 'Gone to the Dogs' 1983: sample inside illustration
- 'Gone to the Dogs' 1983: sample inside illustration
- City Limits 1984: older illustrators will recall their flat rate £10.60 per illustration!
- Departures magazine 1985: portrait of Colin Thubron drawn from life
- Commissioned by 'Departures' magazine 1985: I sold the original funnily enough in 2019. To a chef, of course
- Church's Shoes Press Ad 1986
- Cover, Hoverspeed brochure 1987, an illustration which changed my fortunes
- Cover illustration for Majestic Wines 1988
- For Harry Rosen Menswear 1989: how the well-dressed man stands out
- The Listener 1990: one of 52 illustrations commissioned throughout the year
- Book cover, Shirley Valentine 1991, published by Longman
- New Scientist: 1992
- Riva Restaurant: GQ magazine 1993, one of a regularly monthly feature for over a year
- New Scientist cover August 1994 on biodiversity
- Book cover & inside illustrations, re-telling the classics for children, Longman 1995
- Inside illustration, Myths, Legends and Monsters, Longman 1995
- Beer Wines & Spirits Point of Sale for Safeway Supermarkets 1996
- Radio Times 1997: Map, Orient Express
- Motorboat & Yachting magazine 1998
- The Author cover: 1999
- Image for Wimbledon 2000 used as poster, Point of Sale and merchandise during the Championships